Afterwork and networking for all HEC Alumni and their friends from CentraleSupélec and others on September 24 at Alice Cocktail Bar

La date limite de clôture des inscriptions est passée.

Join us at the HEC Alumni Afterwork on Tuesday, September 24, from 18:00 to 21:00.

Reconnect after the Summer break, welcome new Alumni in town, extend your Brussels network, enjoy the drinks and the Indian Summer...

Your partner and your friends are more than welcome.

Location: the cosy lounge of Alice Cocktail Bar, 1st floor at Avenue Louise 190.

The entrance fee is 10€. It will cover the booking of the venue and some light finger food.

Everyone will pay for their drinks.  

Subscription / Inscription sur le site de HEC Alumni

Manifestations des composantes

Alice Cocktail Bar

190, Avenue Louise 1050 BRUXELLES

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