WEBINAIRE : Leading through change: conquer resistance and get the buy in you need

3 participants
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Change is the new normal in organizations. It offers opportunities but it can also trigger insecurity and resistance. However, it doesn’t have to be just happening to you. You can use it to grow as a leader and to make an impact. 

The issue is, the people side of change is often overlooked, and this can bring big challenges. 

We will first identify the limiting beliefs that tend to hold people back, and how to address them. We will then see how to lead others through change and how to avoid the non-obvious landmines. 

Change is not going to stop but this webinar will empower you to manage it with more ease, so you can have the impact you want to have. 

Animé par : O’ona Souissi accompagne les dirigeants et cadres pour les aider à construire une carrière qui a du sens. Executive Coach certifiée, avec un background en Développement et Conseil en Ressources Humaines à l’international, et membre accrédité de la Fédération Internationale du Coaching. 

Nota : tu recevras deux jours avant un lien pour te connecter et participer au webinaire 

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