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Webinar - How to Successfully build the hydrogen economy

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Conference organised online by Energie Durable, professional group from CentraleSupélec Alumni, on November 5th 2020.

The hydrogen economy has already been described by Jeremy Rifkin nearly 20 years ago. It could be a great solution for a carbon emission free world but getting there has been more difficult than many have expected. 

Our two panellists, Gordon McIntosh and Mathieu Gardies have concrete experience as to how to make the hydrogen economy happen. 

Gordon McIntosh was instrumental in making Aberdeen the “hydrogen capital of Europe” long before many other places even knew about the hydrogen economy.  Launched in 2013 and supported by Europe’s FCH JU, the 10 hydrogen fuelled buses became the largest fleet of hydrogen busses in Europe, while Gordon was Director of Economic Development at Aberdeen City Council. He is still actively involved in shaping the hydrogen future of Aberdeen and Scotland today. 

Mathieu Gardies has the mission to improve air quality and reduce emissions in our cities, using a unique concept for hydrogen electric taxis, which he is spearheading with his company STEP (Societe du Taxi Electrique Parisien), created in 2009. The Hype taxi fleet was launched in 2015 in partnership with Air Liquide, and later Toyota. The project is built in a sustainable and socially responsible way- it has fully employed taxi drivers with an interest in the success of the company. By the end of this year, there will be over 600 Hype hydrogen taxis in Paris; currently there are 4 hydrogen refuelling stations, and 4 more are under construction. The model can be applied to cities around the world.

The Hype project is supported by the City of Paris, the Region Ile de France, Ademe and the European Commission. 

The panel was moderated by Daniel Kaute (ECP 89) who was the first TIME Student at Ecole Centrale Paris (class of ‘89), and has been in innovation and entrepreneurship all his working life (starting out with building Danone’s first yoghurt factory in Togliatti, Russia 1994 to 98). Until last year he was Chairman of an Oxford University spin out with a unique solid state hydrogen technology. He currently works with a number of start-up companies on the next generation Lithium Ion battery, Internet of Things for buildings, and the early detection of Alzheimers. 


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