Career transitions made simple / EN ANGLAIS UNIQUEMENT

6 participants et 1 intéressé
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At a career crossroads and not progressing as you should ? 6 critical steps to find your next assignment where your contribution will be truly valued.

If you’ve reached a plateau and wonder how to reignite your career, whether you want to find your next assignment, start in a new field or even have your own business, you probably feel that you have a lot to offer and you don't want to settle for less.

Unlike other methods that are disconnected from reality or limited to tactical advice, this webinar will give you an end-to-end approach with proven strategies to reinvent your career.

We will see :
- How to lay strong foundations for the change,
- The #1 element to raise the interest of the people with whom you want to work,
- How to tap into the shadow market and convince without selling.

Not available ?

The webinar will be recorded so you can catch up later, but you’ll have a more interactive experience if you are with us live. So if you can join us, please do!

However, if you register but can’t make it, please let us know in advance, so we can ensure you’ll get the recording and the bonus.


As Founder of CAREER ON PURPOSE, O’ona Souissi helps international executives and high-level experts build a meaningful career.

If you feel it's time for you to make some key decisions for your career but aren't sure where to start, you can download her complimentary frameworks at : (link:

Pour les personnes qui s'inscriront au-delà de 11 h le 16 janvier, nous vous remercions de transmettre un message à :, qui vous enverra le lien Zoom en retour.

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