Apéro WATs4U : The evolution of employment, job searching during Covid 19

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RDV sur zoom pour un apéro-conférence sur le secteur de la santé


 Join career expert and GoinGlobal founder Mary Anne Thompson as she explores proven strategies and tactics for helping job seekers achieve their career objectives in an employment market transformed by the Covid-19 Pandemic.

 The lecture will be followed by a networking session.

 18:30 The evolution of employment, job searching during Covid 19  

Mary Anne Thompson will share insights gathered by her global team of in-country career experts and provide practical advice on how to:

-Develop effective job search strategies

-Identify emerging employment and career trends

-Ace the video interview

-Leverage personal and professional networking resources -Find remote job and internships opportunities

-Work from anywhere! 

Mary Ann Thompson

Mary Anne Thompson founded GoinGlobalalmost two decades ago as a result of her own experiences job hunting in Sweden. She believes that to uncover the real job opportunities, you need the experience and personal insights of trained local specialists. Mary Anne continues to be an active CEO who shares her strategies and insights directly with clients to help them strategically maximize GoinGlobal’s unique resources.

 Created by local career experts, our products provide a one-stop resource to help fast track job and internship searches. Whether your constituents are looking for a job or internship across town or on the other side of the world, GoinGlobal provides the career resources they need to achieve their goals.

19:15 Alumni networking

The presentation will be followed by a networking session. The participants will be randomly dispatched in break out rooms by group of 3, in order to briefly introduce themselves and exchange contacts. There will be 3 rounds, each one lasting for 15 minutes. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your network!

This meeting will take place on Zoom :download it

WATs4U is a powerful tool for your career development, gathering 15 Alumni associations of leading engineering and business schools.


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